Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Szaszian Ethics

In a college class we were assigned to read Szasz's essay, The Myth of Mental Illness.

In a graduate level ethics class we were shown a video of a debate between Thomas Szasz and Albert Ellis.

Read books by Szasz or choose to remain entranced by psychiatric lies and propaganda.

Psychiatry medicalizes misery and tragedy. Misery and tragedy are real.

We should offer adults copious amounts of help and kindness to alleviate misery.

According to Thomas Szasz, psychiatric coercion is medicalized terrorism. According to Szasz, civil commitment and the insanity defense form the foundations of psychiatric slavery.

Only consensual psychiatry should be legal.

I hope all individuals can experience authentic happiness and authentic peace. We should not use cruel compassion in the form of nonconsensual psychiatry in order to try and help adults who state they do not want help.

It will be good if we can reduce suicides to zero. We probably will not see a significant reduction in suicides until suicide is respected as a civil and human right for adults. We should use copious amounts of persuasion, reason, and kindness to reduce suicides. Psychiatric coercion, force, and, confinement probably have too many unintended consequences to be authentically useful to society.

Suicide prohibitions prevent adults from being able to have open and honest conversations about suicide in private without being concerned about potentially being locked up in a psychiatric unit.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Pseudo Medical Cults

Psychiatry is effectively a pseudo medical cult. It engages in forced conversion using civil commitment and psychiatric holds. It relies on implicit theological posits in order to help justify suicide prohibitions. Psychiatry is effectively the secular religion of most democratic secular nations. I support the separation of church and state. I also support the separation of psychiatry and state.

Medicalizing Misery

Psychiatry medicalizes misery, tragedy, and social problems. Read books that psychiatrist Thomas Szasz wrote like The Myth of Mental Illness. The mind is intangible and can only be metaphorically sick, just as a sick joke is not literally sick. Humans can be miserable though. Misery and tragedy can be real. Psychiatry profits from medicalizing misery and social problems. Only consensual psychiatry should be legal.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Psychiatric Propaganda

I hope that no suicides happen.

We should use persuasion, reason, and kindness to reduce suicides, not psychiatric coercion, force, and confinement.

Psychiatrists medicalize human misery and tragedy.

To call psychiatry real medicine is a lie. Real doctors treat real diseases that can be objectively diagnosed and objectively cured.

It is important that people are provided with Truth when confronted by psychiatric propaganda.


Read the book Psychiatric Slavery by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. There is no objective ways to diagnose psychiatric disorders. Psychiatrists are for the most part the only type doctors who can treat patients involuntarily. The Psychiatric Survivor Movement exists for a reason. Psychiatric abuse should be outlawed. Suicide should be respected as a civil and human right for adults when it is done in private. Read the book Suicide Prohibition by Szasz. Only consensual psychiatry should remain legal.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Psychiatric Disability

Downs syndrome is an objectively identifiable genetic abnormality, as I understand it.

There is no objective medical test to diagnose depression. "Clinical Depression" is medicalized misery. We should offer people copious amounts of help; it should not be forced upon them.

According to psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, psychiatric coercion is medicalized terrorism.

I recommend you read or at least read a summary (like in the Amazon description or sample) of the book Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker.

Reducing Suicides

I don't think that an actual significant reduction in suicides will take place until suicide is respected as a civil and human right for adults, when it's done in private. Suicide prohibitions prevent adults from being able to have open and honest conversations about suicide in private without being concerned about potentially being locked up in a psychiatric unit. Read the book Suicide Prohibition by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz to learn more.